Monday, March 29, 2010

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European social democracy and the regressive Links populism on the example of the SPD

European social democracy, especially the German She is working through a difficult phase. Even if the financial and economic crisis may have developed partly to a social crisis, some even speak of a crisis of values, they are able to electoral acquis only with great Difficulty, if at all to hold. In Switzerland, such as the Social Democrats have in some cantonal elections lost much popularity. Even New Labour threatens the elections in the UK to lose. Only the French Socialist Party could the trend of bourgeois-conservative policy in Europe in the recent local elections to stop a little. With the hardest it has verhagelt but at the last general elections the SPD.

This is the party that together with the Greens in Germany, probably rightly began to deregulate the financial markets and now, in the usual left-wing populist vocabulary, the terminology of 'greedy managers' to the problematic notion of the afflicted 'speculators' (Greet the structural anti-Semitism can be) is enough to dissociate them tried. It is on the other hand, the party of the populist, Putin's lackeys, and anti-American, Gerhard Schroeder, who along with his party, the Greens, the Conservatives, the Liberals and an overwhelming majority of the German social mainstream, but also with the laws and the far left, while the anti-fascist war, the United States against Saddam was a peace-national community. The vast collection, which was held together by hatred of the United States of America and Israel and was, by this time, Donald Rumsfeld very right and very true with the beautiful term "Old Europe" occupied. We are talking here of a European model that has to be fought.

an insight into this model of regressive Links populism (count to about the climate hysteria, the appeasement policy towards third-world dictators and Islamic racquets while permanent 'Israel-criticism') is that of one, though not critical, then at least reasonable analysis of the capitalist system is about as far away as Barack Obama by a resounding victory in its appeasement policy towards the Oriental despotisms, gives the new SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel in a interview with the 'World' .

When Gabriel this Sermon HOW TO READ, you have to say that it is the German social democracy since Marx's time apparently been little emancipatory. The scathing critique of Marx in the German states - State fetishism and nationalism - which he formulated in particular in his "Critique of the Gotha Program", seems to be obviously still relevant in light of the current state of the SPD.


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