Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Much To Charge For Xanax

Old Europe: Business as usual

The latest chapter in the rich absurdities Gaddafi affair was written today by the Social Democratic and third-world moving Swiss Foreign Minister Madame Calmy-Rey and colorless and not internationally less known EU EuroNews interview Miss Catherine Ashton. The latest surprising Twist in this story is representative of the political failure of Switzerland and of Old Europe in dealing with crazy dictators. It turns out that Old Europe and Switzerland are particularly tensions with Islamic and / or Arab (half) dictatorships to complete self-denial ready to operate appeasement policy.

There are thus faced with two questions: first

What happened with the Europe of the Enlightenment?
second Who is Ashton?

The second question can perhaps - of course - helping British Eurosceptics to clarify, although his verbal frontal attack is not the EU EuroNews interview, but the EU Council President wrong ..:


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